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Create Your First Pipeline

A pipeline connects multiple function nodes to provide a full set of data processing capabilities. Towhee provides various built-in nodes for general applications. But you can also defines nodes according to your own needs.

This tutorial walks you through how to create a pipeline and provides some examples.

Refer to Node Types for more information about nodes.

Create a simple pipeline

The following example demonstrates how create a simple pipeline with a Lambda function.

from towhee import pipe

add_one = (
.map('x', 'y', lambda x: x + 1)

res = add_one(0).get()

In the above example, we define a pipeline add_one which increases the value of the inputs by 1 and returns the results. This pipeline contains three nodes.

  • input('x')

    The input node defines the pipeline's input schema which contains a single variable 'x'.

  • map('x', 'y', lambda x: x+1)

    The map node applies the lambda x: x + 1 to each of the input value.

  • output('y')

    The output node defines the pipeline's output schema and ends the pipeline definition. Once called, a pipeline instance is created and returned.

In line 9, we pass an input value 0 to the pipeline, and will get an output value 1.

Of course, you can also use a function in a pipeline definition as illustrate below:

from towhee import pipe

def my_func(x):
return x + 1

add_one = (
.map('x', 'y', my_func)

res = add_one(0).get()

Use Towhee Operator to create a more complicated pipeline

In real-world applications, a pipeline requires nodes to have much more complicated functions than the above example. Towhee provides the following three types of built-in operators to help you quickly create a more complicated pipeline.

  • Data processing operators such as image transformations, image/audio/video decode, tokenizers, vector normalization, etc.
  • Neural network models or libraries such as CLIP4Clip pretrained model, HuggingFace model adapter, OpenAI embedding API wrapper, etc.
  • Connectors such as Milvus connector, HBase connector, etc.

The following example demonstrates how to use a TIMM (Torch Image Model) model to generate image embeddings.

When the pipeline runs for the first time, it may take several minutes to download operators and models.

from towhee import pipe, ops

img_embedding = (
.map('url', 'img', ops.image_decode.cv2())
.map('img', 'embedding', ops.image_embedding.timm(model_name='resnet50'))

url = ''
res = img_embedding(url).get()

This pipeline contains four nodes.

  • input('url')

    The input node defines the pipeline's input schema which contains a single variable url.

  • map('url', 'img', ops.image_decode.cv2())

    This map node takes each url as an input. This node fetches the image and uses OpenCV for image decoding. The output img is the decoded image data.

  • map('img', 'embedding', ops.image_embedding.timm(model_name='resnet50'))

    This map node takes each img as an input. This node uses the resnet50 model from TIMM to generate the feature vector. The output embedding is the embedding vector for each of the input image.

  • output('embedding')

    The output node defines the pipeline's output schema and ends the pipeline definition.